Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Bumbo time

I can not believe Tanner is going to be 12 weeks old on Friday. As you can see, he really has good head control and is enjoying sitting in his bumbo. Every time I put him in it he smiles....he thinks he is such a big boy.

The past 2 nights he has slept 7 continuous hours....without food. What a big boy!! He goes to bed around 7 PM and I wake him up for 1 more feeding before I go to bed. Then, he has been waking around 4:30 AM for something to eat. I am OK with that right now. I can not wait until he sleep until 6:30 AM. That is what time he will have to get up for school. He is only 2 hours away. YEAH!!!


Leslie Kirk said...

What a big boy!! He is so cute!

Whitney Catalano said...

I love his outfit-green:)