Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas update

We had a wonderful first Christmas with Tanner. We went up to Greenville on Saturday and spent time with Jay's family. On Saturday night Van and Emma Jo came over to eat with us. As you can see, Tanner and Van were instant friends. On Sunday evening we exchanged gifts with Jay's family. Tanner got some great gifts from everyone. He is very fond of Baby Tad, a gift from Andy and Karen. He also received a John Deere riding toy from Gram. It will be a while before he can use it but I know he looks forward to it. We returned home on Christmas Eve and were anxiously waiting for Santa. We went over to my parents house for some holiday fun. Santa came to see Tanner on Tuesday morning. He was speechless about all of his you can imagine. We then spent the day over at my parents house with my family. Overall, it was a wonderful holiday and we look forward to the future. Thanks to everyone for the gifts.

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